MY Story
I don't have much of a story as a producer of things made of wood or words. I'm working hard to create one!
Under the influence
While I do enjoy our wine and checking out the wonderful wineries in our area, I keep it out of the shop. Safety first!
For inspiration, I look to the Far East. Particularly, Japan. The attractiveness of the clean lines and interesting joinery speak to me. Closely related is the Arts & Crafts/Mission style. Then there are the random items that grabs my imagination.
Having move many times, I'm are painfully aware of the joys of moving furniture. When I design my own pieces, I keep this in mind and attempt to make my pieces easy to move.
What's in a Name
Or more precisely, what's in my website name.
I had several names that we wanted to use. When I started looking to see which domain names were available, they were all 'taken'. No webpages or businesses. Just someone owns them to make money by selling them. Some of the prices were more than $1,000. I'm not a big corporation with a large IT budget. I have limited capital which is needed for equipment.
I started looking for unusual names. Those were taken as well. Then one day while shopping at a big-box store around inventory time, I casually noticed DNI signs on various things. DNI means "Do Not Inventory". Really needing a name to progress on app development at the time, I decided to check out possible domain names: - taken, - taken, - not taken! And SW can mean SoftWare or Specialty Woods (or even now Special Words). So I took it.
The Logo
I wanted a simple logo with the name in it. One of the domain names that I looked into was Ragnar, a Norse hero/legend. Having viewed the Kensington Runestone many times as a child while visiting relatives in Alexandria, MN, I decided to make the logo out of the name in a style resembling Runes.